Blue Sky is a social impact platform.

Find community, social & environmental activities near you.
Share your activity with the world.

Meet new people, learn new skills and have fun!


To check out an activity, just tap on a pin.


Like the sound of an activity?
Simply contact the host, and add it to your Diary.


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Find the most exciting activities near you.


Help nature by lending a hand on the land. From garden conservation to litter picking in your local park.


Team work makes the dream work! Support the community by helping at a soup kitchen or street cleaning.


An opportunity to help someone in need. Help out at a care center or assist with a weekly shop.


Have fun whilst keeping fit! Volunteer at a local fun run or join a local five side football game.


it's hip to be square! This activities revolve around skill and wisdom sharing. From talks to helping out at a library.

The Arts

Express yourself, learn creative skills and be inspired. From helping at an art gallary or joining a workshop.

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